
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Make your own road…

Well take this for a fresh perspective…

It’s a decision making alternative of defensive investments in a bear market…
You know you will lose money but you had rather loose less, reconciled to the inevitability of loss…corrosion rather. You cede that its not within your capabilities to stem the rot. Its not really giving up but heavily hedged bravado (the contradiction is apparent in the choice of words). You know you will lose money but you will still be game and play but play for far lesser stakes.

These lines by D.H.Lawrence never rang so true in my years and I quote, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, sufficient unto the moment is the appearance of reality”.

Often, time or rather lapsed time adds a transcendental perspective to the mechanism of making automatic choices that we have grown to call self confidence. Its in the words of Jorge Luis Borges "that bold and legitimate certainty with which we assert our knowledge of a city, without ever having been rewarded with the intimacy of all the many streets it includes".

Time is a rather strange economic commodity, while it is scarce and its economic benefit is incontrovertible but it does not have a spot market only “futures and options”. This moment has just passed. Hope is now reality…hard as concrete. If you haven’t built it well…you no longer have the same choices…its just the next big thing…the dream is now closer to a utopia ..the mirage is just one more step…

You are still the same, only weaker for your age, wiser for your mistakes and humbler for your understanding. You are still at the same crossroad, its just that the world has changed and there is no road less traveled.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Judicial activism - who wins?

The judiciary is the most powerful, least dangerous, most transparent, least secretive sanctuary of humanist, compassionate, curial process and people’s justice. However, the inalterable and inamendable paramountcy of fundamental rights has often been expounded – without precedent or precision, and with the immediate objective of latifundist, feudalist strangling of social justice. What can the nation do if the judiciary has a fancy to ‘sip every flower and change every hair’?

The basic structure doctrine, a constitutional serendipity and bench discovery, remained vague, vagarious and jurisprudentially jejune, being the uninhibited product of judicial ipse dixits. Indira Gandhi- in her socialistic legislative populism or finer vision – well meaning nationalization schemes and public sector progressivism that would suffer judgocratic victimization, was seared by possible authoritarian anti-socialism of some senior lordships, now armed with an ill defined, even dubious power to strike down every unorthodox legislative measure, using the arcane basic structure ‘V weapon’, a curial invention no one except the Indian Supreme Court could reveal or use. If the rule of law be vulnerable to judicial ukase, statutory exercises could become the vanishing point of jurisprudence.

In a tragic obiter dictum the New World Economic Order has re-colonized India and compliant governments and other victims of multinational corporations have in the words of Nobel prize winner and firmer world bank policy maker Stiglitz, promoted ‘briberisation’ and demolished the socialist-democratic spirit of the constitution embodied in the swadeshi and self reliant institutions that are undergoing a toxic, traumatic import invasion. The role of the judiciary has aggravated the situation and made the right to life and livelihood an illusion for the masses. In short the court has forgotten the judicial imperative of upholding the socialistic democratic character of our republic. The Indian judiciary’s social philosophy is no exception and power without challenges and accountability tends to make this instrument authoritarian. A non negotiable monopoly of interpretative jurisdiction truncates parliamentary democracy. Arbitrary power is a menace to human rights. No executive can function; no legislature can debate for fear that a writ will undo everything, even if no case pends challenging the offending action allergic to the orthodoxy or class anathema of their ‘Lordships’. The judiciary holds with none to question or correct their pronouncements. When the fundamental law of the land had secret dimensions the highest court incarnates an imperium in robed authority. It’s a rather unhappy imbroglio.

Read the complete article by V.R. Krishna Iyer

Sunday, October 02, 2005

On a wing and a prayer...

God's Own Country...




It is what alcoholics call 'Moment of Clarity'.
-Jules Winnfield (Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction)

The inevitable disillusionment with the charades of facile ambiguity has finally sunk in. The predicament is too intractable to be resurrected by sporadic intervention. I have not done enough but then I am a man of limited reserves. With my constrained art and expression it is impossible to converse with the normative super rationality of today's milieu.

The dialectic of my sputters too is confused, incoherent and indefensible while the succinct reality that immersed my hubris, still rests – true, calm, incontrovertible...crystal. I ventured into the recesses of its semantics, floundering for life, grasping for air and even as my cadaver resurfaced the reality still rests – true, calm, incontrovertible...crystal. My exertions have not even caused a ripple and I have ended up as flotsam. Life relents once you concede. I should have accepted this vegetative state and avoided the embarrassment of dissonance.